Milford’s St. Patrick’s Day Team Raises Irish Flag

Each year, Milford’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee selects a Grand Marshal and Miss Emerald Isle to serve as honorary participants in the parade, and the Milford Irish Heritage Society selects an Irish Man and Irish Woman of the Year. Individuals selected are those who exemplify community spirit and pride in their Irish heritage.

Grand Marshal Mike McCabe, Miss Emerald Isle Emily Mager, Irish Man John Torgerson, and Irish Woman Tracy McCabe were Milford’s chosen royalty for the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day festivities.

In advance of the March 10 parade, McCabe, Mager and Torgerson gathered at City Hall with Parade Chairman Marty Hardiman, Alderperson Ellen Beatty and Mayor Ben Blake to raise the Flag of Ireland alongside the American flag as a tribute to Milford’s Irish community.
