Orange Transfer Station Now Accepting Food Scraps

Mitch Goldblatt, Chair of the Orange Recycling Committee, has announced that effective Oct. 9, “Orange residents can now help reduce our municipal solid waste by segregating their food scraps and depositing them at the Transfer Station and Recycling Center.”

In partnership with Country Disposal Services, four large green bins are now located at the top of the Transfer Station (between the Goodwill trailer and the hopper) for this collection.

For those who compost at home, no action is required, but to help reduce waste and improve sustainability, residents are urged to bring food scraps that will be composted for agricultural uses by Country Disposal Services.

The Orange Recycling Committee in cooperation from the Board of Selectmen and the Public Works Department has initiated this pilot program, which will not only reduce MSW tonnage being burned or buried, but will reduce town costs as well. The cost of removal of the food scraps will be considerably less than the tipping fees currently being charged to the town for MSW removal.

Residents may bring food scraps and food waste to the transfer station during regular hours. Such material may be dumped directly into the bins or by means of plastic bags (which will be opened and disposed of after removal from the transfer station).

Items that are accepted in the bins are: fruits, vegetables, peels, pits, eggs and eggshells, dairy products, meat and poultry including bones, seafood including shells, coffee grounds and tea bags, baked goods, chips, snacks, rice and grains, and pet food.
