Students Help Students In Turkey Hill Homework Club

By Monika Corcoran

“Students helping students” has taken on a new meaning at Turkey Hill School as older students have begun to mentor students in younger grades.

During the last 15 minutes of each day, students who struggle completing their homework or need some extra re-teaching meet with a student mentor in the library as part of the Homework Helper Club initiative. The goal of this program is to encourage positive peer relationships while helping mentees feel more confident and comfortable in their math skills. It also builds leadership and responsibility qualities of the mentors.

Students who are interested in becoming a mentor complete an application where they express their qualifications, such as having a positive attitude; a patient, understanding, and self-motivated personality; as well as a solid understanding of math. Mentored students are chosen based on teacher recommendations and the needs of the child.

There are currently 27 students involved in this growing program.

Students assist one another as part of Turkey Hill School’s Homework Helper Club initiative. Contributed photo.

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