ASD Fitness Center Hosts Sensitive Santa Event

On Sunday, Dec. 11, from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., ASD Fitness Center will host a Holiday party for its member families.


ASD Fitness is located at 307 Racebrook Road, in Orange, CT. Press coverage is invited.

ASD Fitness (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a place where fitness speaks to ASD children, adolescents and adults. The fitness center’s mission is to provide a safe, comfortable and structured environment for empowering individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder to improve their level of physical fitness.

This holiday party will have “Sensitive Santa” coming to visit the kids. This is very exciting for their members, some with sensory issues that would otherwise make it impossible for them to visit Santa. Santa will be bringing gifts and treats for all in attendance. This should be a fun and special event for all.

“Santa” will be played by Michael Storz, President of Chapel Haven.

Please come and experience this unique, sensory friendly event in a state-of-the-art, 5,000 square-foot facility.

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