Finding Gratitude In A Horrible Year

By Michele Tenney
Here’s to Your Health

Michele Tenney

In this holiday season of Hannukah and Christmas I’m reminded not only of the reason for the season but what a different season it’s been altogether. Our Thanksgiving went from the usual 22 down to seven and our Christmas will be about the same. No holiday parties to schedule on the calendar, few if any shopping mall experiences and for some no real need to decorate.

If there’s one thing I’ve committed to do since the beginning of this pandemic, it’s to have an eye to see and an ear to hear what good can come out of a horrible year.

I appreciated that the brakes were put on my rush, rush, rush life, which allowed time for reflection on what needed to stay and what needed to go. Being homebound we realized how much money we were saving not going out to eat so often as we were facing financial difficulties. To add to that I started doing my own manicures and pedicures like I used to when I was a single mother. The extra time on my hands has allowed me more time to write and finish my first book. In the midst of all the uncertainty and all the unknown, if you put on glasses to see the good, you’ll be less anxious and/or depressed.

I don’t have to tell you how important it is to exercise to kick in those endorphins but also to help relieve stress. Eating healthy most of the time will help you feel better and give you more energy. I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself. Just don’t enjoy yourself too much. Let’s not go backwards, because we’ve come too far. Please get the proper amount of sleep and drink your daily requirements of water. Add some lemon to your water to help detoxify your body. You can do this.

We spent some time with friends the other night who we really cherish. On the drive home, I was reminded of how truly blessed we are to have such people in our lives and my heart broke thinking of those (especially in this season) who are alone and may be sinking financially, emotionally and spiritually. In this particular season let’s have an eye to see and an ear to hear for those around us who might be suffering. Most people put on a brave face so it’s important to really have a keen eye and an open heart.

Go out of your way to make someone’s day. Pass out a gift card to a stranger who may need it. Get in touch with a childhood friend. Start a gratitude journal. When we are on the other side of this thing, you’ll be able to look back and be happy that you did.

From my family to yours, happy Hanukkah, merry Christmas and here’s to a very amazing New Year.
