Independent Says Comments From Democrats and Republicans Partisan

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for the dozens of people who have contacted me and the other co-founders of Independents For Orange over the past few weeks with such positive feedback.{{more}} It is truly refreshing to hear that so many people have similar views and believe that having more people involved in town government and more options on Election Day can only benefit our town.

Our message of encouraging voters to elect the most qualified candidates, regardless of party affiliation, seems to be resonating. We look forward to continuing to spread this message as we approach the November election.

Some in the political establishment have not been so welcoming to the formation of a third party, they feel their two-party monopoly is being threatened. We will not let the vocal minority deter us from our goal of having our elected officials represent the people, rather than political parties. Many of the “politicians” have said what an uphill battle it is creating a third party. I have found that the most worthwhile and rewarding pursuits in life are often the most difficult and do not come without a struggle; a close friend recently told me “pioneers take arrows.”

What is most predictable to me is to see firsthand how the hierarchy of the two parties went quickly into their typical political “spin mode.” Some on the Democratic side have portrayed me as a dreamer. Well, if believing that democracy is larger than a two-party system and that one can effect change without being part of that system, then so be it, call me a “dreamer.”

Conversely, the Republican leadership has chosen to label me as being “associated with the Democrats” in an effort to try and protect their voter base. The truth, however, is that I have supported both Republican and Democratic candidates since I have lived in Orange. I have always supported and voted for the people that I believed were the most qualified candidates, the ones that I thought had the best interests of the town and its’ citizens in mind, regardless of what party they were affiliated with.

This is the same message we will continue to spread throughout the upcoming campaign. Unfortunately, we will never get this type of common sense logic from the two major parties, as they will continue to argue that somehow they each have cornered the market and possess the best candidates for each position, and that crossing party lines is somehow viewed as disloyal.

Partisan politics are crushing this country, making progress and compromise is near impossible. The same partisanship is now trickling down to the local level. Fixing the “broken” system on a national level appears overwhelmingly difficult; politicians become more entrenched in “winning” rather than doing what is needed to fix a problem.

On a local level, we have the opportunity to control our own destiny. I encourage all voters to get engaged this election season and elect candidates that demonstrate leadership abilities and will speak up and act in the best interest of the town of Orange; some will be Republican, some will be Democrat and we hope that you find some will be Independent.

Mike Richetelli is the chairman of Independents For Orange and a candidate for the Board of Selectmen