Letter To The Editor – Orange Churches Condemn Child Separation

To the Editor:

We, the members of the clergy of the Town of Orange, embrace and teach the divine precept bidding us to treat all people with dignity and to uphold one standard of justice for citizens and strangers alike. Moreover, we regard the family as a societal structure that is blessed by God. We are therefore appalled at the recent United States policy that calls for the separation of children from families that have sought asylum from danger by crossing over into this country. Such a policy violates our moral code as well as the sacred institution of the family. We appeal to all Americans to condemn this injustice, and we particularly appeal to the humanity of the officials who work on our borders to refrain from dividing families in this way. Children should not, under any circumstances, be punished for things that are beyond their control. Our hearts go out to those suffering under these terrible conditions. We pray for them, we pray that their families will soon be restored, and we pray that the proper authorities find a swift and more compassionate solution to this unfortunate and very painful situation.

Rev. Timothy Boerger, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Father Norman Brockett, Holy Infant Roman Catholic Church
Imam Dr. Bachir Djehiche, New Haven Islamic Center
Rabbi Michael Farbman, Temple Emanuel GNH
Rev. Peter Orfanakos, St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church
Rev. Diana Rogers, Church of the Good Shepherd
Rev. Suzanne Wagner, Orange Congregational Church, UCC
Rabbi Alvin Wainhaus, Congregation Or Shalom

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