Milford Historical Society Elects Officers

The Milford Historical Society recently elected new officers at its annual dinner.

Chris Bishop is the new president, who will take over from Lloyd Jacobs who served as president since 2019.

Other officers elected are Amy Arden, first vice president; Jane Norgren, second vice president; Geoff Viscount, treasurer; Rosanne Hoagland, recording secretary; and Marty Beard Merk, corresponding secretary.

The members-at-large are Helen LaPlant and Scott Cameron, both serving in their second year of a two-year term, and William Legere, newly elected for a two-year term.

High school students are also on the board. They are Aidan Glass and Olivia Salai, both in the second year of a two-year term. Jacob Collette and Emma Jani were elected to begin two-year terms.

The society’s three houses of the are open for free tours every Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, go to

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