Milford Student Wins eesmarts Contest

Milford student Hunter Clutter was recently honored as a winner in the 18th Annual eesmarts Student Contest sponsored by Energize Connecticut.

The contest invites Connecticut students in grades K-12 to showcase their energy smarts.

Participants were able to choose from a variety of project formats, based on their grade level, including poems, essays, news articles, book reviews, posters, photographs, speeches, public service announcements and community-oriented projects.

Clutter, a fourth-grade student at St. Mary’s School, won first place for his letter to the principal providing ways the school could save energy. He encouraged the principal to open window shades to allow the use of natural light and turn off lights when classrooms are not in use.

Students from 18 schools in 15 Connecticut communities submitted their work for consideration. Twenty-five entries were selected as this year’s winners and each finalist received a prize box with a gift card and certificate.

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