Orange Firefighters Sponsoring Jack-O-Lantern Contest

For the second year, Orange volunteer firefighters are challenging town kids to put their imaginations to work and scare up the best-decorated pumpkin in the community.

“This is something safe and fun for kids to do around Halloween,” said firefighter Rob Panapada, who created and chairs the event. “Jack-o-lanterns are such a part of Halloween. This is a good way to show them off without having to walk all over Orange.”

Firefighters, in a poster, say they “are just dying to see your best effort” at creating jack-o-lanterns. They promise “spook-tacular” prizes for winners in several categories.

Pumpkins are to be dropped off at the fire station at 625 Orange Center Rd. from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Oct. 25 and 26. They’ll be on display in front of the fire house from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct. 27 and 28 with final judging on Oct. 28.

Contestants can pick up their pumpkins on Oct. 29 and 30 so they can show them off on Halloween.

Contestants will compete in one of four categories: 5 years old to 8 years old, 9 to 12, 13 to 16 and older than 16, which the department has named professionals. In addition to the best, awards will be given for the most original, the happiest and the scariest in each category. There will also be a best in show.

In addition to carving pumpkins, contestants in the 5 to 8-year-old category can decorate their pumpkins with paint or markers instead of carving and using candles.

“Neighbors helping neighbors can mean a lot more than just going to fires,” said Chief Vaughan Dumas. “It can mean just helping our community have fun.”

There are no entry fees. More information about the contest is available by emailing

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