Orange Foundation Awards Scholarships, Grants

The Orange Foundation, which supports residents of the town, has awarded its annual student scholarships and grants to community organizations.

Four students were awarded scholarships: Spencer Shepard, who got $2,600 from the Charles Flynn Fund; Olivia Pisano, who received $2,600, $100 of which came from the Thomas Birmingham Fund, $609 from the Harry Haynes Fund, $776 from the Downey Foundation, and $215 from the Vincent Timmons Fund; Jacob Lettick, who got $2,600, $971 from the Charles Flynn Fund, $319 from the Vaughn Fund, $592 from the Benedict Giangarra Fund, and $718 from the Susan Lewin Fund; and Joseph Szewczyk, who received $9,710 from the Horbal Fund.

Grants were awarded to the American Legion, Camp Cedarcrest, the Orange Fire Marshal, the Orange Conservation Commission, the Orange Senior Center, the Amity Teen Center and the Orange Arts and Culture Council.

Members of the Foundation Distribution Committee include chairman Robert Archambault, Frank Bailey, Katalin Baltimore, Carla Birmingham, Paul Davis, Jaqueline Koral, Santo Galatioto, Jr., Patricia Miller and John Wesolowski.

For more information about the Foundation, including the establishment of a fund or application for funds, call Archambault at 203-795-3716 or go to

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